
Is Your Heating System As Efficient As It Should Be?

If your home is like many of those in Cambridge, it is very likely that the answer to that question is in the negative. It’s not your fault. It’s just that in the last few years heating boilers have come on in leaps and bounds and they are now 90% energy efficient. If your boiler is more than 15 years old, it may be as little as 65% efficient. What that means is that you are spending more money on heating than you need to. Or to put it another way, a large chunk of what you spend is simply money wasted!

Free Boiler Grant In Cambridge

This is why the government is offering a free boiler scheme in Cambridge to homes that qualify. With a free boiler grant in Cambridge we can supply and install one of the very latest boilers for you – paid for by the government! It is all part of the eco scheme in Cambridge and elsewhere which aims to hit Net Zero carbon emissions in the UK by 2050.


The eligibility for a free boiler grant will depend on some factors. Firstly, a permanent resident of the property must be receiving one of the following benefits to qualify for residency, such as:

Eco Scheme in Cambridge

The government is also providing free insulation grants under the eco scheme in Cambridge as well. Most homes have insufficient insulation and that means that a lot of the heat that is produced is simply lost through the walls, roof, and even the floors of many homes. At GetAFreeBoiler, we can fit cavity wall and solid wall insulation, together with loft insulation in order to make your home as eco-friendly as possible.

Boiler Scheme In Cambridge

The scheme also includes oil boiler grants in Cambridge so you may still qualify if you have an oil heating system.

Contact us today on 0800 246 1797 or email for more details.

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This is a Government
Backed Scheme

To learn more please about this scheme please visit the GOV.UK website. You can read more about what the energy company’s obligations provides for Free boiler funding.