Oil/LPG Electric Heating

Do you heat your home off gas? Do you heat your home by means of Oil, LPG, Electric, Coal, Wood or have no heating at all?

Under the eco4 energy efficiency scheme homes that are heated by any off the above can benefit from Free eco upgrade.

The government and the energy companies class property not fuelled by way of gas to be classed fuel poverty homes and the most need for the renewables free grants.

Since 2022 when the new eco4 scheme replaced eco3 the attention was drawn to not replace any boiler that was not heated by mains gas to be fitted with the most up to date ways of warming a home.

Air source heat pump & solar panels would replace the systems being used.

What is Air Source Heat Pump Grant?

The Air Source Heat Pump Grant, proudly supported by the UK government, is an inflation reduction act and a driving force in reducing CO2 emissions. As an eco-friendly alternative to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme.

An air source pump is an alternative way to heat your home. It will enable you to generate your own renewable heat and potentially save you money on your energy bills in the long run.

A Heat Pump is an energy-efficient and eco-friendly heating technology that extracts heat from the air or ground. Harnessing renewable energy sources warms your home, drastically reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Here are some benefits:

If you qualify for the above air source heat pump you will also automatically qualify for FREE solar panels. Click Here for Solar Panel Benefits.

Homeowners or Private Tenants: This grant is available to homeowners and tenants (with landlord permission).

contact getafreeboiler.co.uk to see if your home qualifies for a free heating grant.

This is a Government
Backed Scheme

To learn more please about this scheme please visit the GOV.UK website. You can read more about what the energy company’s obligations provides for Free boiler funding.