
Who Would Have Thought It?

Did you know that there is a free boiler scheme in London that enables homeowners and tenants to update their heating systems and thus use less energy? Which in return means that it costs less to heat your home in the winter.

And yes, when we say free, we mean FREE! No charge. The UK government will pay for it for you.

When we say this, a lot of people look somewhat bewildered. Why on earth would they do that?

Free Boiler Grant In London

It’s all to do with the UK government’s intention of reaching Net Zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. Not only are they planning to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles in 2030, but also intend to make UK homes more eco-friendly, and there are a couple of ways of doing this.

We all need to keep warm in the winter, so we need to use heating. But heating systems in many homes are nowhere near as eco-friendly as the latest condensing boilers. Not only that, but the majority of homes lose heat through the walls and the roof because they are not properly insulated.

So, to begin with, the government is providing many homeowners with a free boiler grant in London in order to update the heating system to a new one that uses less energy.

Eco Scheme In London

The eco scheme in London covers the whole cost of supply and installation of one of the latest condensing boilers, which means that those who qualify (which is most people) will spend less on their heating in future. There are also oil boiler grants in London available if you use oil-fired heating.

You simply cannot lose with these schemes, so contact us at GetAFreeBoiler on 0800246 1797 or email for more details.

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This is a Government
Backed Scheme

To learn more please about this scheme please visit the GOV.UK website. You can read more about what the energy company’s obligations provides for Free boiler funding.